Blog: Mind of a Mind Reader

Jeff Newman: Mentalist, Magician, Trickster.

How To Hire A Magician In Calgary: 7 Steps From A Mentalist and Magician

How To Hire A Magician In Calgary: 7 Steps From A Mentalist and Magician

Are you planning a corporate event in Calgary and looking for entertainment that'll leave your guests in awe? There's no better way to do that than hiring a magician or mentalist to amaze your guests at your next event in Calgary!

Hiring a magician is a great way to add an element of surprise and delight to your event. But how do you find and hire the right magician in Calgary? Luckily for you, I am a magician in Calgary who specializes in corporate event entertainment and offers a variety of performances, including close-up magic and stage shows, so I may know a thing or two that can help you out. So, I put together this handy guide to walk you through the steps to ensure your event is nothing short of magical.

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ROI of Fun: How Corporate Entertainment Boosts Employee Morale and Productivity

ROI of Fun: How Corporate Entertainment Boosts Employee Morale and Productivity

One of the biggest challenges employers face today is creating an environment that keeps their employees engaged, happy, and productive. And while there are plenty of ways to create that environment in a day-to-day landscape, many employers plan things like holiday parties, staff appreciation events, and more to help show their appreciation to the employees who keep the lights on.

The downside? A lot of times, those events can, shall we say…fall short. They’re boring, there’s no excitement, and it winds up being another place where employees watch the clock while waiting to leave. So, how do you fix this? Three words:

Get. Great. Entertainment.

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The Art of Corporate Entertainment: A Strategic Guide for Success

The Art of Corporate Entertainment: A Strategic Guide for Success

Corporate events have come a long way. What used to be just a few drinks and a cheap meal with some co-workers has evolved into powerhouses of engagement, networking, and, increasingly, entertainment.

And while most organizations are adding entertainment to their events for fun, corporate entertainment has also increasingly become a strategic tool. It’s a way to nurture relationships, reinforce brand identity, and foster an environment where collaboration and innovation can thrive.

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Corporate Entertainment Trends 2024: Make Your Event Unforgettable!

Corporate Entertainment Trends 2024: Make Your Event Unforgettable!

As a mentalist and magician, I do a lot of corporate events. Conferences, holiday parties, networking events, appreciation events, you name it. And in my years of experience, I’ve seen also seen a lot of entertainment options come and go, and others with the staying power to stand the test of time.

​And since it’s shaping up to be another banner year for people in the entertainment biz, I thought it would be helpful to give you the inside track on what the entertainment trends are for 2024 and beyond to help you plan an event that feels fresh, unique, and unforgettable!

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Close Up or Stage Magic? Which is Better?
Event Planning, Magician Business Tips Jeff Newman Event Planning, Magician Business Tips Jeff Newman

Close Up or Stage Magic? Which is Better?

Hiring a magician for your event is a GREAT idea. It’s entertaining, engaging, and most importantly, different. But many magicians will offer several options for your event, and it can all boil down to two different kinds of performances. A stage show, or close-up performances.

So, which do you choose? Are you better off with the intimate, up-close-and-personal marvels of close-up magic, or a stage performance that engages the entire crowd? Or, both?

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5 Tips For How To Get The Most Out Of Your Magician

5 Tips For How To Get The Most Out Of Your Magician

So, you’ve hired a magician or mentalist for your event. Yet, it still seems stressful…after all, you’ve shelled out the big bucks for entertainment for your guests, and you want it to be amazing, right?

I get it…you want your event to be as memorable as possible, including the entertainment. And while most professional magicians can put on an incredible show, there are some things that you can do to make sure your entertainer has the best chance to wow your guests. So I thought I’d share some tips to make sure your entertainment is spectacular!

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5 Ways Magic Can Boost Workplace Creativity

5 Ways Magic Can Boost Workplace Creativity

Despite the lighting-fast development of AI, humans are still the best when it comes to creativity and innovation.

But daily tasks, deadlines, and office politics can often leave people feeling drained and uninspired. But what if I told you there was a simple solution to not only add some excitement and novelty to the workplace to fight off burnout but also help increase the creativity within you and your team?

If you’re asking, “Jeff, what kind of magic is this that you speak of?” Well, um…it’s…it’s magic. Magic will help you do that.

But how? Well, to help you understand, I’ve listed 5 reasons why magic can boost creativity and inspire innovation in you, your co-workers, your staff, your company, and your work environment.

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How to Plan a High-Class Event: Insights from A Corporate Magician
Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User

How to Plan a High-Class Event: Insights from A Corporate Magician

I’ve been a professional mentalist and magician for over a decade.

And with that experience, I have had the privilege to attend and perform at some really upscale and well-planned events: From black-tie galas to business conferences; chances are I’ve been on stage at whatever kind of event you can imagine.

And over the years, I have learned that the one thing every successful, high-class event has in common with others is detailed planning and seamless execution. And whether it’s a small gathering or a huge gala, there are things you can do to really make your event shine.

So, to help you out, I’m sharing the tips I’ve seen from people around the globe on how to plan an event that leaves a lasting impression!

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Create an Unforgettable Event with the Help of a Professional Magician

Create an Unforgettable Event with the Help of a Professional Magician

As a mentalist and magician who’s performed at thousands of events, I know how stressful it can be.

Organizing an event can be daunting, especially if you aim for a memorable experience for your guests. Whether you're planning a company party, an award ceremony, or a product launch, you want your event to stand out and leave a lasting impression.

But what if I told you that there’s a way you can guarantee your event will be one your guests will never forget?

How? Simple.

Hire a magician.

Yes, I’m serious. And I’m going to share five reasons why a corporate magician can help you create an unforgettable event, no matter what you’re planning!

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Take your Fundraiser From Flat to Fantastic With These 9 Tips
Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User

Take your Fundraiser From Flat to Fantastic With These 9 Tips

​As a professional entertainer, I’ve worked more than my fair share of fundraising events; everything from small-town groups raising money for a local project, to huge galas for giant non-profits looking to boost their annual donations. And, with fundraising season coming up this fall in Alberta (and, really, western Canada), a lot of people will be planning these kinds of events for the first time.

And, whether you’re in a bigger center like Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Saskatoon, or Regina, or a smaller community outside of the metropolitan city limits, the basics and the main goal are the same.

Put on a stellar event to not only reach your fundraising goals, but also have a great time doing it!

So, what do you need to do to make your fundraiser a huge success and bring in the big bucks? Well, I'm about to spill the beans on how to make more money at your next fundraising event!

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