The Art of Persuasion: 4 Psychological Techniques To Influence Others

Human beings are social creatures. 

And a LARGE portion of our brain is dedicated to communication. Spoken words, music, facial expressions, body language…our brain sees it all. 

And no matter where you work, who you are, or what language you speak, there are ways you can use this psychology to help. Using your communication skills and body language to your advantage can make a lasting impact and help you be more persuasive to the people around you. While you think this may be something just for corporate professionals in high-profile organizations, this can be helpful for anybody. Understanding how critical persuasive communication skills are can be a huge advantage in any setting. So, what techniques can help you improve your communication skills and become a persuasive speaker?

1. Body Language and Mirroring

When it comes to influencing others, your body language speaks louder than your words. Reading others' body language is an essential skill that can help you understand their thoughts and feelings. By understanding their non-verbal cues, you can tailor your message to communicate more effectively. Be aware of any signs of anxiety, stress, confidence, or other non-verbal signals. In turn, Use non-verbal cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body posture to convey your message confidently. 

You can also adopt mirroring techniques when you're speaking with someone to show that you’re listening to them. By examining someone’s posture, physical actions, or speaking patterns, you can subtly copy those actions. This can communicate familiarity and help with…

2. Building Rapport

Building rapport is the cornerstone to developing trusting relationships with the people around you. Rapport can be created through eye contact, mirroring body language, and establishing common interests. You can build rapport by using open-ended questions and active listening. This helps you understand the other person's perspective, and they feel heard and understood by you. Active listening also brings clarity to the conversation, making it easier to communicate and negotiate effectively.

3. Mastering The Pause

Pausing and giving your audience time to digest your message is an essential communication technique. When you pause, you're letting the other person know that you’re focused and present, waiting for their response or reaction. It also gives the audience space to reflect on what they’ve heard and formulate their thoughts. Pausing can also be used to emphasize a critical point or a solution that you've presented. Mastering the pause allows you to command the conversation and the room, making you a more persuasive speaker.

4. The Power Of Suggestion

The power of suggestion is another influential communication technique that can help you guide others in a particular direction or toward a different point of view. By using strategic language, you can influence people's perceptions and behaviour. Words such as "imagine" or "consider" open up the mind to new ideas. Use suggestions that are specific and believable to avoid coming off as manipulative. The power of suggestion can be used to present and validate your ideas, encouraging others to buy into your perspective.

Persuasive communication is a skill that can be honed and refined over time, and with these simple tips, you can become a persuasive speaker as well. Mastering the art of persuasion requires practice, but it can significantly enhance the communication skills of anyone who uses it. Utilize these techniques to build rapport, read body language, and use power suggestion to connect and influence the people around you. 


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