Blog: Mind of a Mind Reader

Jeff Newman: Mentalist, Magician, Trickster.

How to Plan a High-Class Event: Insights from A Corporate Magician
Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User

How to Plan a High-Class Event: Insights from A Corporate Magician

I’ve been a professional mentalist and magician for over a decade.

And with that experience, I have had the privilege to attend and perform at some really upscale and well-planned events: From black-tie galas to business conferences; chances are I’ve been on stage at whatever kind of event you can imagine.

And over the years, I have learned that the one thing every successful, high-class event has in common with others is detailed planning and seamless execution. And whether it’s a small gathering or a huge gala, there are things you can do to really make your event shine.

So, to help you out, I’m sharing the tips I’ve seen from people around the globe on how to plan an event that leaves a lasting impression!

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Create an Unforgettable Event with the Help of a Professional Magician

Create an Unforgettable Event with the Help of a Professional Magician

As a mentalist and magician who’s performed at thousands of events, I know how stressful it can be.

Organizing an event can be daunting, especially if you aim for a memorable experience for your guests. Whether you're planning a company party, an award ceremony, or a product launch, you want your event to stand out and leave a lasting impression.

But what if I told you that there’s a way you can guarantee your event will be one your guests will never forget?

How? Simple.

Hire a magician.

Yes, I’m serious. And I’m going to share five reasons why a corporate magician can help you create an unforgettable event, no matter what you’re planning!

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Take your Fundraiser From Flat to Fantastic With These 9 Tips
Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User Event Planning, Event Tips Guest User

Take your Fundraiser From Flat to Fantastic With These 9 Tips

​As a professional entertainer, I’ve worked more than my fair share of fundraising events; everything from small-town groups raising money for a local project, to huge galas for giant non-profits looking to boost their annual donations. And, with fundraising season coming up this fall in Alberta (and, really, western Canada), a lot of people will be planning these kinds of events for the first time.

And, whether you’re in a bigger center like Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Saskatoon, or Regina, or a smaller community outside of the metropolitan city limits, the basics and the main goal are the same.

Put on a stellar event to not only reach your fundraising goals, but also have a great time doing it!

So, what do you need to do to make your fundraiser a huge success and bring in the big bucks? Well, I'm about to spill the beans on how to make more money at your next fundraising event!

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7 Things To Look For When Hiring A Magician For Your Event
Event Tips, Event Planning Guest User Event Tips, Event Planning Guest User

7 Things To Look For When Hiring A Magician For Your Event

Ok, you’ve bit the bullet and decided to get a magician or a mentalist for your next shindig.

Maybe it’s because you read my blog outlining all the reasons why magic and mentalism is the best kind of entertainment for your event. Maybe it’s because someone in your office really wants to see some magic. Or, most likely, you want entertainment for your event that’s unique; Something different from the standard corporate entertainment choices.

Whatever the reason, you’ve settled on hiring a magician for your event. So, you open Google, type in “corporate event magician,” or “magicians near me,” or whatever else you’ve decided to search for…and BAM, there are literally HUNDREDS of options.

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4 Reasons Why You Need A Magician For Your Corporate Event
Event Tips, Event Planning Guest User Event Tips, Event Planning Guest User

4 Reasons Why You Need A Magician For Your Corporate Event

​It can seem like entertainment options for your event are endless.

And there are lots of options out there: bands, DJ’s jugglers, comedians and more.

And, while I acknowledge I may be a little biased, I can confidently say that when it comes to entertaining your guests at your next corporate event, gala, fundraiser, or whatever else you may be planning, there’s one option that blows the rest out of the water: A magician.

​​Why? Well, I'm spilling the beans on four reasons why you should consider hiring a magician or mentalist for your next corporate shindig!

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6 Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Event Entertainment
Event Tips, Event Planning, Virtual Events Guest User Event Tips, Event Planning, Virtual Events Guest User

6 Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Event Entertainment

There is one phrase I hear every year that makes me cringe.

“We hired entertainment last year, and it was a total bust.”

This is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Not only because someone didn’t get what they paid for, but now that one bad experience has probably turned them off from hiring someone to entertain their guests again.

But, I completely understand the frustration.

All that hard-earned cash basically gets thrown down the drain. Why risk the investment again?

What if I told you that all you had to do was a few simple things and you could put on a night of entertainment that would not only knock your guest’s socks off but make you look like an absolute hero? All you need to follow some simple tips, and you’ll have an event you’ll never forget!

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Rethink Your Event Planning: Add Some Fun!
Event Tips, Event Planning Jovanni Silagan Event Tips, Event Planning Jovanni Silagan

Rethink Your Event Planning: Add Some Fun!

Recently, I had an unusual gig. Rather than my usual theatre show or after-dinner event entertainment, I was asked to perform my magic and mentalism schtick and MC an event hosted in a store, where all their suppliers came to showcase all of their hot new things for the year. I would do a bit of magic, introduce two or three presenters, do a little more magic, and lather, rinse, repeat until the end of the event. It's the kind of gig I do often enough to have it in my corporate magician skill set.

After the event was over, the client came up to me and told me how thrilled she was about the event. She was not only impressed by the magic that happened on stage for her guests, but was also very pleased about how the crowd was interested, engaged, stayed at the event much longer than expected, and (hopefully) became more informed customers that helped my client make a profit.

It was a great event all around, and when it was all over, I was thanked abundantly for helping make their event a smashing success.

And, while this particular gig is a bit different from the norm, the reaction of the client at the end of it was one that I’ve seen time and time again. And while they could have done what they did before with the same results as before, they decided to add an extra little spark and hire a professional. And what did that do for their event?​

It made it fun.

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6 Tips To Make Your Event Amazing
Event Planning, Event Tips Jovanni Silagan Event Planning, Event Tips Jovanni Silagan

6 Tips To Make Your Event Amazing

It’s Booking Season. You know, the season where I sit down, answer emails, make phone calls, and schedule meetings to book shows for the following year. Now these shows can range from thirty people in a basement, to five hundred people in a conference center or theatre.

​But a least a few times a year, I come across someone planning an event that has a boatload of other questions that usually pertain to the rest of the event. Sometimes, it’s about catering. Or, it’s about audio and lighting. Other times, it’s about how to make whatever the event is special or unique in some way. And, being an expert event-goer, I’ve been to my fair share of events from every edge of the spectrum. And this year, I’ve had a few back-to-back requests about how to really add some pizazz to upcoming events that clients are hosting. So, to help all the would-be planners out there, I’ve decided to put together a little list on how to add some simple things to make your event pop.

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